3 Tips To Treat Lice In Cats

If your cat is scratching frequently, it is likely that fleas are behind the behavior. But rest assured, it is quite easy to get rid of your companion, and thus allow him to be more peaceful.

Lice are one of the external parasites that your cat is likely to catch, along with fleas and ticks.

They are tiny insects belonging to the species Felicola substrates, measuring 1 to 1.5 mm, and feeding on the blood or dander of its host. Besides adult lice, it is also necessary to fight their nits.

The latter is all the more difficult to dislodge as they are attached to the hair with a kind of glue, and the female can lay up to 60 eggs.

Fighting against these tiny insects that annoy the cat is therefore essential. How to proceed? What products can I use? Here are 3 tips to fight lice in your feline friend.

1. Wash accessories and clean the cat’s environment

Lice are easily spread from cat to cat, especially through the accessories they come in contact with. This can cause your cat to infect other felines, in the same way that other felines can pass lice to yours when they weren’t carrying them.

One of the main preventive measures against lice is therefore to ensure that all the objects that make up your cat’s environment are free of them, starting with those made of textiles.

2. Apply an anti-lice treatment

There are various anti-lice treatments available on the market. These products are available in pet stores, pharmacies or even directly from the veterinarian. In fact, it is the latter that should be addressed before choosing any type of pest control.

It would be very dangerous for the cat to use a product not adapted to the specificities of the animal. For example, using an anti-lice treatment intended for children is totally prohibited, because its formula contains toxic substances for cats.

3. Bathe the cat and comb it with a special comb

In the fight against lice and any other external parasite for that matter, the medicinal bath is essential. It simply consists of washing your cat using a suitable anti-lice product.

It is important to strictly follow the precautions for use, both with regard to the method of application of the product as well as the dosage and frequencies.

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3 Tips To Treat Lice In Cats
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