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Cat Facts

6 differences between cats and dogs

The belonging of cats and dogs to different biological species is obvious. And this only complicates the choice of a pet! This article is useful for those who have not yet decided on a pet, want to keep two at once, or just find out how cats differ from dogs?

Better see and hear

  • Cats have a typical nocturnal vision. Dogs are for daytime. This explains why cats have such large (and keen-sighted!) Eyes. But the colors of both are distinguished much worse than a person.
  • Hearing in cats is also better developed: it reaches at least 65 kilohertz versus 45 in dogs. Whereas a person has only 20!
  • But in the round “sense of smell” cats are inferior to the championship. A dog’s nose contains 300 million receptors, while cats have “only” 200 million.

Hiding claws

Every cat owner knows how sharp her claws can be. This is because cats can suck them in – which means they do not dull when walking. Dog’s claws are always outside – and quickly grind on the floor or ground. However, this does not mean that only cats need to trim their claws – the condition of this part of the body should be monitored in any pet.

Eat more often

All pets love to eat well, but their needs vary greatly. Feline portions are usually smaller than dog portions – but cats should also have more meals.

In addition, the texture of the food is important for cats. They prefer dense and moist foods, but they do not perceive powdery and sticky textures. A cat that is accustomed to a certain food structure may refuse an unfamiliar type of food – this is important to consider when switching to a new diet.

Do not feed cats and dogs with the same food. Separate food lines do not take into account the economic needs of producers, but the physiological differences of animals: intestinal length, tooth size and enzyme activity.

Afraid of water

More precisely, they avoid getting wet. Wet cat’s hair does not allow the air gap to adjust the body temperature of the animal in hot or cold weather, and the intensified smell can give out the cat both to its prey and to larger predators. Unlike dogs, cats don’t shake themselves after bathing and don’t run long races that could dry out. That is why animals treat the bathing procedure so differently.

Appreciate coziness

Dogs need space to keep fit and in good spirits — to run, play and walk several times a day. Felines prefer to spend time at home. And even there they are looking for the coziest and safest place – this is one of the reasons why cats love boxes .

Harder to train

Dog training has become more widespread for a reason – these animals can be engaged in a group and withstand long training. However, wayward cats are possible – and necessary! – train. Short but regular workouts can help teach the fluffy beauty basic commands – even if the cat doesn’t initially respond to the name .

Cat Grooming

3 Tips To Treat Lice In Cats

If your cat is scratching frequently, it is likely that fleas are behind the behavior. But rest assured, it is quite easy to get rid of your companion, and thus allow him to be more peaceful.

Lice are one of the external parasites that your cat is likely to catch, along with fleas and ticks.

They are tiny insects belonging to the species Felicola substrates, measuring 1 to 1.5 mm, and feeding on the blood or dander of its host. Besides adult lice, it is also necessary to fight their nits.

The latter is all the more difficult to dislodge as they are attached to the hair with a kind of glue, and the female can lay up to 60 eggs.

Fighting against these tiny insects that annoy the cat is therefore essential. How to proceed? What products can I use? Here are 3 tips to fight lice in your feline friend.

1. Wash accessories and clean the cat’s environment

Lice are easily spread from cat to cat, especially through the accessories they come in contact with. This can cause your cat to infect other felines, in the same way that other felines can pass lice to yours when they weren’t carrying them.

One of the main preventive measures against lice is therefore to ensure that all the objects that make up your cat’s environment are free of them, starting with those made of textiles.

2. Apply an anti-lice treatment

There are various anti-lice treatments available on the market. These products are available in pet stores, pharmacies or even directly from the veterinarian. In fact, it is the latter that should be addressed before choosing any type of pest control.

It would be very dangerous for the cat to use a product not adapted to the specificities of the animal. For example, using an anti-lice treatment intended for children is totally prohibited, because its formula contains toxic substances for cats.

3. Bathe the cat and comb it with a special comb

In the fight against lice and any other external parasite for that matter, the medicinal bath is essential. It simply consists of washing your cat using a suitable anti-lice product.

It is important to strictly follow the precautions for use, both with regard to the method of application of the product as well as the dosage and frequencies.

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Cat Food

The Cat’s Water Needs

Water is essential for your cat. Their needs are regulated by their activity, body temperature, outside temperature, and food. All of these parameters determine the amount of water to ingest daily.

It can vary from day today. Nevertheless, there must always be a minimum so that dehydration does not threaten it.

What is the water for?

As in humans, water helps your cat to regulate its body temperature. It thus maintains the proper functioning of all vital organs. It also allows your feline to better digest his food but also the good distribution of mineral salts within his body.

Water intake is essential and helps fight against diseases that could appear in the event of a lack of water (diabetes, kidney failure for example).

How much to offer him?

The water bowl must be filled at all times. Your cat should drink as it likes, whenever it wants. As a general rule, your cat will drink a quarter of a liter of water if it ingests 100 grams of food (this is referred to as 40 to 60 mL of water per kg of its weight). This is particularly the case with kibble, which is dry and promotes dehydration. If it is fed with mash, the food itself already provides water.

It is not easy to calculate with precision the amount of water ingested by your feline. However, you must have an eye on his bowl.

External factors inevitably affect its water consumption. So if it’s really hot, your feline will need to drink more. At times, water consumption can double or even triple. This is especially the case after heavy exercise or breastfeeding in the cat.

A quality to be preserved

Water must be clean in order to be safe to drink. In principle, tap water is not a problem, unless there is too much limescale. In this case, bottled water is suitable.

Be careful, remember to clean your cat’s water bowl thoroughly. There’s no point in giving him clean water in a dirty container. This will only increase the risk of diseases like giardiasis.

We also recommend that you give it fairly cool water when the outside temperatures are warm, and more temperate water in winter.

How to check that my cat is drinking enough?

The fold test is used to check that your cat is not suffering from dehydration. In fact, you are checking the elasticity of her epidermis. Grab it by the skin of the neck.

When you release it, the skin should return to its original position. If not, then your cat is not drinking enough water. In case of dehydration, you must consult your veterinarian very quickly.

What if he refuses to drink?

There can be several reasons for your cat’s refusal to drink. The latter may not appreciate the water offered. He prefers to drink directly from the tap. His water bowl does not satisfy him.

In the latter case, it is advisable to change it and opt for a transparent bowl. Don’t hesitate to change the water more regularly to encourage your feline to come and taste it.

In summary

Your choice is to drink around 40 to 60 mL per kilogram per day. This is about a quarter of a liter of water for a 5 kg cat. Water is essential and its contribution should not be underestimated.

It guarantees the proper functioning of the feline organs as well as the distribution of mineral salts. The slightest dehydration can seriously damage his body, deteriorating it. Water must be continuously available.

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Cat Behavior

5 benefits of owning a cat, validated by science

Owning a cat has many virtues. Here are 5 points on which scientists have agreed.

Cats are great companions. There are at least 5 reasons for this. Whether it is for their anti-stress or anti-allergic contribution, it is good to adopt a cat.

Here are 5 good reasons to adopt a cat in photos.

1. They are very social creatures

In truth, cats are not as finicky as you might think. They are very affectionate and begin to demand tenderness and attention if they are deprived of it for a certain number of hours.

2. Cats protect children from allergies

When a child under one year old grows up with a cat, they will be less likely to develop allergies to animals. It could also be protected against dust allergy, among other things.

3. They have a very beneficial effect on autistic children

Children with autism have difficulty communicating. Thanks to cats and dogs, it is possible for them to establish levels of communication. The relationships between autistic children and pets are special.

It has been found that when a cat is petted, oxytocin is released in greater amounts, which causes feelings of love and trust.

4. Cats make people happy

People who have a cat at home have daily adventures. Cats make people laugh and smile, they are funny and entertaining.

This explains why people who cannot adopt one watch a lot of cat videos on the net. Seeing them act can elicit a similar emotion.

5. Better sleep

Cats love to sleep in the same bed as their owner so they can get affection. In this way, they also give it to humans. Their presence could also make it easier to sleep for those who have trouble falling asleep.

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