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Dog Health

6 Very Common Hereditary Diseases in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can inherit diseases. It is important to know how to identify them and to know them, you can also seek advice from your veterinarian, who will tell you what to do.

Whether purebred or crossbred, your dog may be predisposed to developing certain diseases, depending on his genetic heritage.

You can prevent them from worsening and prepare to deal with these conditions by knowing them and asking your veterinarian for advice.

To help you learn a little bit more about it, here are 6 hereditary diseases that are very common in dogs:

1. Hip dysplasia

Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Bulldog, Great Dane, Saint Bernard and Mastiff are some of the dogs that can develop hip dysplasia, whether they are purebred or mixed.

Symptoms of this disease are pain and difficulty running, walking, standing, lying down, climbing stairs, and jumping.

To lessen the consequences of hip dysplasia, weight control, pain medication, and physical therapy may be followed. Sometimes surgery is necessary to allow the dog to live more comfortably.

2. Urinary stones

Dalmatians, Newfoundlanders, Bichon frize and Miniature Schnauzers are the most predisposed to develop stones in the bladder.

Symptoms are difficulty passing urine, bloody or dark-colored urine. Clots are formed due to an accumulation of mineral crystals.

Some types of stones can be treated with antibiotics, while others require surgery to remove them. Filtered water and periodic examinations are advised to monitor the problem and its appearance.

3. Epilepsy

Idiopathic epilepsy is present in some dogs without any structural or metabolic cause. However, seizures can be caused by heat stroke, a reaction to certain medications, poisoning or even a hereditary factor.

It is difficult to diagnose in dogs because we are not by their side all the time and therefore cannot be present during a crisis.

The German Shepherd, the Beagle, the Belgian Shepherd Tervueren, the Wolf Spitz, the Dachshund, the Labrador, and the Golden Retriever are among the breeds affected by idiopathic epilepsy.

There is no cure or way to prevent it, but medications can reduce the severity of attacks.

4. Heart disease

Several breeds of dogs are susceptible to heart disease, including the Dachshund, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Doberman, Great Dane, Boxer, and Bulldog.

Although symptoms vary depending on the exact type of heart disease, common signs include weakness, cough, abdominal distension, fainting, difficulty breathing, or sudden death.

5. Degenerative myelopathy

It is a neurological pathology that manifests itself in older dogs and causes discomfort in the hind extremities and dragging of the hind legs, the inability to support one’s weight and even paralysis (destruction of motor neurons is the cause) .

She goes untreated and all dogs eventually develop mobility and incontinence problems. The outcome of this disease is always fatal.

6. The “brachycephalic syndrome”

Brachycephalic (flattened-faced) dogs like the English Bulldog, French Bulldog, Boston Terrier, Pug, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are certainly adorable, but this appearance causes several problems. .

In fact, their noisy breathing and snoring are indicators of certain hereditary diseases.

These dogs are particularly predisposed to heatstroke. Fortunately, surgery can reduce the appearance of these disorders.

Dog Health

How to Bathe Your Dog at Home | The Ultimate Guide

Summary :

Washing your dog is quite an art. If this maintenance treatment is not necessarily the most regular of the year, it is advisable to use the right technique, to respect all the essential gestures without forgetting to select the right shampoo.

In this area, the new Douxo S3 range from the Ceva laboratory will be a valuable asset for you. This complete range includes shampoos specially designed to allow you to provide quality care for your pet’s coat and skin, as well as leave-in foams to complete the routine. A major innovation in terms of dermatology for pets.

Shampoing / mousse without rinsing, which protocol to follow?

For optimal maintenance of your dog’s coat, it is recommended to alternate baths and applications of leave-in foam. The protocol validated by the experts is as follows:

– shampoo for deep cleansing of the hair and the skin, then 3 foams per week for 3 weeks without rinsing. Without forgetting, of course, regular brushing.

The recommended dosage for the application of the foam without rinsing is equivalent to a pressure per kg of weight for a dog under 6 kg, and a pressure per 2 kg for a dog weighing more than 6 kg. In practice, for a Chihuahua weighing 3 kg, for example, you will perform 3 pressures, while for a Labrador-Retriever weighing 30 kg, you will need 15 pressures/doses of foam.

Steps for Better Bathing

You can follow the following steps :

  • We start by moistening it thoroughly, before applying the shampoo several times and respecting the recommended dosage. This is one pressure per 2 kg of weight. In other words, if you have a 12 kg dog, you will need 6 doses of shampoo. If the animal is long or dense, you will need to double the dose.
  • We must try to penetrate the skin of the animal. Take care not to apply it to the dog’s head to prevent foam or water from getting into his eyes or ears.
  • Next, rinse, which should be done from the neck down, leaving the injured areas last.
  • After this first shampoo, we proceed to the 2nd, this time thinking of leaving to act for 5 minutes before rinsing again.
  • Finally, the last step is obviously that of drying, which must be both complete and gentle.

What shampoo to wash your dog?

The choice of shampoo is really essential for each of us. Its composition must be adapted to the specific characteristics of the dog, its skin, and its hair, and above all respect them. That of the new range is called “Douxo S3”, proposed by the Ceva laboratory.

Douxo S3 was developed in consultation with pet owners to meet all their needs:

  1. obviously This shampoo respects sensitive skin, is based on the simultaneous action on 3 barriers companies of Ophytrium.
  2. It offers maximum safety and tolerance.
  3. It is a real pleasure to use since the scents and textures are varied and chosen by the owners.
  4. And last, The packaging offered by the range greatly facilitates the application of the protocol mentioned above.

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