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Dog Advice

How you can show your dog that the house is not his territory?

How to temper the territorial ambitions that your dog expresses at home? These few tips should help you do that.

Dogs are individuals in which the territorial sense is highly developed. They are born with this instinct and it becomes more and more assertive as they grow older.

While this aspect of their personality is most natural, it can be problematic when it comes to living with other family members (humans, congeners, cats, etc.) at home.

You are the leader of the clan!

This sense of territory present in canines is closely linked to another instinct: the pack. Indeed, the individual who manages to rise to the head of the group is the one who controls its territory.

He does this by chasing away any intruders and claiming to be his succession in what he considers his area of influence, which he also marks with urine emissions at key points.

Set the limits and abolish the privileges reserved for the leader of the pack; don’t let it sit on your couch or armchair.

Don’t let it invade your bed or the children’s beds either. Rather than having him control access to the front door by lying on the doormat, train him to sleep on his bed, which you have placed out of the way and traffic.

If you deny him access to a room (the nursery, the kitchen …), do not lift this ban by making exceptions. Consistency is essential in dog training.

Dog Advice

4 Tips For Organizing a Perfect Road Trip With Your Dog

A road trip is a particularly exciting adventure, but it can be even more so if you are accompanied by your dog. For everything to go smoothly, there is a minimum of organization to plan.

Of course, we benefit even more when we are accompanied by the beings we love, to trade with dogs.

And as a road trip must be duly prepared, it is also necessary to plan some additional measures related to the presence of his 4-legged companions.

Here are 4 tips to follow so that your road trip with your dogs takes place in the best conditions …

1. Plan all the comforts for your dog in the car

Whatever type of vehicle you use for your road trip (simple car, mobile home, van, minivan, etc.), plan everything you need to ensure that your dog is as comfortable as possible during trips and for be prepared for any eventuality.

Bring fresh water and his water bowl, treats, his favorite toys, his leash, collar, harness, and bags to collect his droppings.

Also bring his basket, his favorite blanket (plus another spare), everything you need for his hygiene (towels, special dog shampoo, brush …), his food of course (kibble …), his bowl, its cage or transport box, anti-tick and flea treatments (spray, pipette …), a first aid kit …

2. Plan breaks and stopovers

In general, it is recommended to take a break at least every 2 hours when driving for a long time. With a dog by his side, these stops are even more important, because he must be able to stretch his paws and do his business.

Locate the rest areas and other places where it is possible to park between 2 destinations of the road trip.

3. Bring your documents

During your road trip with your dog, you will have to take all its documents: health record with up-to-date vaccines, passport, identification certificate … You may need it in the event of an unforeseen event (accident, intervention of a veterinarian …) or administrative formalities (crossing a border).

4. Choosing what is best for your dog

Study the places where you plan to go and find out about places where dogs are accepted: hotels, beaches, campsites, parks, restaurants, etc. Make sure that the various stops that make up your road trip are not a source of constraints for your pet.

Also, make sure that the places and activities are compatible with his personality; for example, if he doesn’t really like meeting people he doesn’t know, avoid places where there may be crowds.

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